Monday, December 29, 2008

Parks in St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg is a city with numerous parks and gardens, which are very beautiful and worth visiting. St. Petersburg travel offers the number of parks and gardens  more than 200. Each of the parks located in St. Petersburg is a real marvel and represents a real masterpiece of gardening. Here are some of the parks and gardens located in St. Petersburg and welcomed to visit Russia vacation tourists: Alexander Garden, Botanical garden, Maritime Victory Park, Kirov Central Culture and Leisure Park, as well as many others.

Though some of the parks were damaged during the World War II, when St. Petersburg (former Leningrad) was occupied by Nazi Army, but most of them were restored in the second half of the 20th century.

Alexander Garden is located in the center of the city, next to the Palace Square. The garden was laid out in the 19th century. Alexander Garden was named after Russian tsar Alexander II. Landscape gardener Eduard Regel designed this garden and made one of the most popular places in the whole city for St. Petersburg Russia tours. No tree was cut during the siege of Leningrad, but most of the trees were damaged by air raids.

Summer Garden of St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg is a city of wonderful gardens. One of the oldest gardens in the city is the Summer Garden. This is one of the most beautiful sights tourist who visit Russia would see in his/her life. It was founded in the beginning of the 18th century by the order of Russian tsar Peter the Great. The tsar himself was involved in planning the Summer Garden.

Various statues were brought from Europe to the garden and were placed there. The statues were preserved till our times and are very popular with Petersburg travel tourists. The sculptures of Italian sculptors of the past centuries, mostly 17th and 18th centuries are located there and can be viewed by the visitors. It is the oldest collection of statues in the whole country. Some of the statues in the Summer Garden represent Antique heroes and gods.

Russian tsar Peter the Great’s Summer Palace was also built in the garden. The palace still stands there and represents a beautiful building, made of stone. It was one of the first buildings in the city built of stone. The interiors of the palace are modest, but decorated with great taste. When you'll tale a Petersburg flights it would be easy to see the mighty gardens from the hights.

Entertainment for kids in St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg is a city offering various kinds of attractions not only for adults, but also for children. Tourists travel to Russia with kids are often concerned, as they are not sure, whether there is enough entertainment for them. For sure, St. Petersburg Russia travel has everything for kids and their parents. There are children’s theaters, circuses, a zoo, a delphinarium and other popular attractions.

St. Petersburg’s delphinarium is one of the most popular attractions for the kids. Every show lasts about an hour. The dolphins perform various kinds of tricks, they dance and jump out of water. The children will surely like the performance and enjoy the time spent there. Information about Russian curency you could find here. There is also the program on rehabilitation of children suffering from various diseases, such as autism, cerebral paralysis and other diseases. It is also possible to swim with the dolphins, which is an unforgettable experience.

Leningrad Zoo

Leningrad Zoo is one of the oldest Zoos in Russia. It was founded in the 19th century by Sofia and Julius Gerhard. By the end of the 19th century the number of animals increased, but after that period the Zoo declined. Only in the beginning of the 20th century, the Zoo was restored. It is one of the best in Europe an is popular among tourist taking St. Petersburg tours. The Zoo is located in the historical center of St. Petersburg in Alexander Park, which is one of the most beautiful ones in the city. The zoological gardens of the Zoo were damaged during the World War II. The Zoo was closed in the middle of the warm but then reopened in the end of the war.

Children will surely enjoy the visit to this Zoo and Saint Petersburg travel, as it has about two thousand specie of animals, among which rare species of birds and animals can be found. There are various kinds of attractions on the territory of the Zoo. Children will see Indian elephant, giraffes, a hipo and other animals there. Leningrad Zoo is really one of the best attractions in Petersburg travel, so everyone should visit it.

Children’s Theaters of St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg is known for various kinds of children’s theaters, which offer unique and interesting performances for kids and parents travel to St. Petersburg Russia. Zazerkalie is a musical theater, which gives performances for children and adults. Professional actors are acting in this theater.

Large puppet-show offers wonderful performances, which include modern plays. The performances of Large Puppet Show are known in many countries of the world. Children will surely enjoy the performances there, even if they don’t understand the language.

Puppet Theater of Fairy –Tales is among the best theaters in St. Petersburg travel. This theater is known all over the world, as the performances were held in Spain, Italy, England, Finland and many other countries. The performances of this theater are always a success and there are always a lot of visitors there, among which there are not only children of locals, but also many guests of the city. Also St. Petersburg provide anumerous afordable hotels which is impossible whe you come to Moscow and try to fing cheap hotel rates in Moscow, but surely sometimes there are exceptions.