Monday, December 29, 2008

Parks in St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg is a city with numerous parks and gardens, which are very beautiful and worth visiting. St. Petersburg travel offers the number of parks and gardens  more than 200. Each of the parks located in St. Petersburg is a real marvel and represents a real masterpiece of gardening. Here are some of the parks and gardens located in St. Petersburg and welcomed to visit Russia vacation tourists: Alexander Garden, Botanical garden, Maritime Victory Park, Kirov Central Culture and Leisure Park, as well as many others.

Though some of the parks were damaged during the World War II, when St. Petersburg (former Leningrad) was occupied by Nazi Army, but most of them were restored in the second half of the 20th century.

Alexander Garden is located in the center of the city, next to the Palace Square. The garden was laid out in the 19th century. Alexander Garden was named after Russian tsar Alexander II. Landscape gardener Eduard Regel designed this garden and made one of the most popular places in the whole city for St. Petersburg Russia tours. No tree was cut during the siege of Leningrad, but most of the trees were damaged by air raids.

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