Monday, December 29, 2008

Entertainment for kids in St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg is a city offering various kinds of attractions not only for adults, but also for children. Tourists travel to Russia with kids are often concerned, as they are not sure, whether there is enough entertainment for them. For sure, St. Petersburg Russia travel has everything for kids and their parents. There are children’s theaters, circuses, a zoo, a delphinarium and other popular attractions.

St. Petersburg’s delphinarium is one of the most popular attractions for the kids. Every show lasts about an hour. The dolphins perform various kinds of tricks, they dance and jump out of water. The children will surely like the performance and enjoy the time spent there. Information about Russian curency you could find here. There is also the program on rehabilitation of children suffering from various diseases, such as autism, cerebral paralysis and other diseases. It is also possible to swim with the dolphins, which is an unforgettable experience.

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